Whew, hectic, is not the word
Have been waiting a long time to add another post, then when I have some great news, things are so hectic that I don’t have the time to add it.
We have been working very hard to get the house ship shape – we have revamped the kitchen from top to bottom, revamped the bar, tiled the front and side stoep as well as the bathrooms. Painted the inside of the house. Then a bunch of smaller jobs here and there that seemed to take forever. What made things worse is that I had somehow managed to book up most of my weekends, so most of the work was done at night and during spare moments. To top it all I somehow managed to sprain my ankle too. No not from all the hard work, but innocently sitting at my computer with my foot skew. Ai Yai Yai, as you dom is moet jy sukkel. At least everything is done now and the house has never looked this good.
There are a few agents that have the house on their books, still need to phone the rest. The house has also been shown twice already, but no takers. Currently the house is booked by various agents for show every Sunday during August, so hopefully the right person will walk in soon.
Okay enough jabber – we found out on the 11th July that we have been granted our immigration interviews. They are scheduled for 9 August 2007 in Pretoria. Needless to say we are VERY excited, yet a little scared too as you could blow your future in half an hour if the interview doesn’t go well. Having said that, everybody that has been for interviews before says that it is very informal, so we will just do our best to relax and be ourselves.
Then two weeks ago we are driving on the highway towards Pretoria and some idiot comes spinning across the lanes towards us. We may have been able to stop – I think – but the guy in the lane next to us couldn’t avoid him so he ended up pulling in front of us and hitting the guy anyway. In the process our stopping distance disappeared and we ended up in the back of him.
The end result is that the insurance wrote our car off because it supposedly cost too much to fix. We now still owe R11 000 on a car we don’t own. I am needless to say pretty ticked off about that and the fact that we now have no car. Luckily my sister had just bought a new car and was kind enough to let us use her Ferrari (blood red VW Chico)