It has been reported that patient safety is one of the main concerns at hospitals everywhere, but many professionals in the health care field agree that the current level of safety is still not satisfactory. A recent study found that in 2010, hospital patients had to deal with 4,000 or more complications which could have been prevented. Included in these issues were, breathing failure following surgery, lungs collapsing in connection with medical treatment, foreign objects being left in the body after operations, unintended lacerations during surgery, and bloodstream infections or blood clots which occur postoperative.
Allegedly, sometimes the party or parties’ responsibilities for many of these safety concerns are difficult to identify. Human error, miscommunication, simple mistakes, and other problems may unknowingly attribute to a patients level of recovery. While many of these types of obstacles can allegedly cause more harm than others, it is agreed that the monetary cost is staggering.
In a separate 2010 study, it was determined that the projected cost of covering medical injury was approximately $17 billion per year.This figure does not even begin to take into account the pain and suffering which patients and family members endure.
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