You can also do search here I think...
We were looking at taking our one cat over last year, from the States. It would have cost us in total (after chip implantation, rabies shots and the whole toot), around $3,500 - $4000 for ONE cat and that is US$ - so x 8 = around R30,000? So around R60,000 - R70,000 for two cats? Oh wait... and that does not include the $1000 a month on this end for quarantine, and you have to wait something like 4 months on this end. So another R45,000 for the quarantine on this end (for both cats).
These are not hard facts, just estimates. Best is to find the cpy's that do the pet immigration on that end, and find out on this end (NZ), what the different approved vets charge for quarantine these days.