I agree with MJ, you must start immidiatly Vogue, because they must be here more or less 6 months before they can fly to NZ. There vaccination must not be older than one year. They do the rabies test and from that day 6 months on they can fly. After 3 weeks you must take her back for blood tests that they send to Onderstepoort. Then Onderstepoort will give you a sertificate. If you have the sertificate, you can book her place overseas. Then if you get a letter from them to confirm your place, you must apply for her import permit. If you have that, you must take it to the state vet(find out who they are by your local vet) that the state vet can sign all the papers for you.
It is better for me to let her stay the last month before she fly in Keringa because there is more injections, paperwork etc to be done. They must also build her crate. And they know all the regulations. They also put her on the plane.
Hope that helps!!
MJ is your dogs currently by Qualified Pet services? I also booked for my dog there. Are you satisfied? Everything seems to be okey for me, there. I Choosed them because they looked closer and maybe a little cheaper.